Сценарии квестов для детей

Дети в восторге!

Получили наш квест меньше чем за час после покупки, и за вечер подготовились к квесту - проводили дома как празднование Хэллоуина для 2х мальчиков 5 и 7 лет.

Квест для деток умеющих читать.

Прошло все отлично, торт и страшные сладости искали все, в т.ч. взрослые.

Всем очень понравилось, большое спасибо команде!


The guests had a great time and lots of fun

It was an excellent quest for a party! The guests had a great time and lots of fun, ran about the rooms, and even had a chance to compete!


I’d recommend this quest to everybody!



There was so much gratitude for the day that it kept our souls warm for another week

It was the first time I ordered a quest (russian version, but available in English too), and I had no idea what and how was going to happen!! I didn’t understand anything in the beginning but gradually got a grip of it, especially as the Master Funs team was always ready to help and to explain things.



You were able to create the atmosphere of my celebration )

We liked everything about the quest! The preparations were quite fascinating for the quest organizer: how to make the “freezer” if there’s no fridge; to create invisible inscriptions on our own, to learn how to work with the Brain application.


