FunPrint “Day X” - printable treasure hunt

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661,37 руб.

FunPrint “Day X” - printable treasure hunt. 
The FunPrint “Day X” is an ingenious way to hand over a gift to an adult. The player will have to find and to decipher the clues, which will lead him to the gift.

Event: Birthday, Romantic
Place: Игры и квесты дома, Игры и квесты в офисе, Игры и квесты в кафе, ресторане или баре
Players: Adults, Teens




You’ll need about 15 minutes to print out the materials and to hide the clues in the house, office or cafe, and the unconventional adventure is ready!


The set contains:


  • instruction sheet with answers to the hints
  • cards with clues
  • postcard,
  •  decorations.



Information for FunPrint


When placing your order, write the player’s name, the type of occasion, сolor: blue (recommended for men) or beige (recommended for women) and your name.

For example, Jacob, birthday, 32 years old, color: blue, With love, Laiya


How quickly will the quest be ready?


The FunPrint will be sent to your email address within several hours (maximum 24 hours).


Before the game:

1. Print and cut out all materials.
2. Decorate the house with flags and toppers.
3. Read all the clues and select 9 or 10 of them. 
5. Set the sequence for the player to find the clues.
6. Attach the first clue to a postcard “Happy Birthday” using the hole puncher-and the ribbon or the stapler.
7. Place the clues in a way so that they cannot catch the eye if a player passes by.
8. Hide a gift in a place indicated by the last clue.

During the game:

1. Give the card and the first clue to the player. This can be done in different ways. For instance,
  • give them into the player’s hands
  • put them on the bed in such a way that the player would see them at once after waking up
  • put them near the breakfast or supper plate.
2. Keep track of the progress of the quest. Give hints to the player if necessary.

The objects, which can be used in the game:

1. Any bed or sofa
2. Wardrobe
3. Vase
4. Chair
5. Curtain
6. Pan
7. Phone
8. Pot plant
9. Pants
10. Plate
11. Carpet
12. Table
13. Any dish (food)
14. Freezer (refrigerator)
15. Letter box (jewellery box or another object which
can be locked with a key)

The quest has been prepared for printing out on A4 sheets. 




pdf, rar.

Other FunPrint and FunBox

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Thank you!

Treasure hunt for husband and daughter


Post date: 05/23/2019 - 10:17

Subject: Thank you!

LoreleiP, thanks for your feedback!

Post date: 07/06/2017 - 14:53

Subject: Thank you!

It doesn’t matter what the gift is, when you give a gift in this creative way. Really clear instructions.
My husband was surprised and pleased when I gave the with a clue instead of a gift on his birthday.
Thank you!

Post date: 07/05/2017 - 11:48